Excellent results in this election – great job Nanaimo, this was very important and everyone did what needed to be done – to vote in a Council that can help make the kinds of changes that Nanaimo needs.
I am personally very humbled and encouraged by all the new connections I’ve made and the strong support I’ve received through this – thank you everyone, it means a lot to me! It inspires me to think bigger, do better, and I will.
It would be an understatement to say that I’m also immensely thankful for my family and friends who helped and supported through this in so many ways, it was a very special experience that I’ll never forget and I am very honoured to have such loving, caring, helpful people in my life. Thank you!
I’m really looking forward to the next steps. Working with our new council and the community as a team – and I hope you are too. What an opportunity we have here. Expectations are high and rightfully so – there’s a lot to get done, but we also have to be patient. It’s going to take time to build capacity and trust. I would suggest to start that we all simply do our best to contribute where we can and help our new Council move things forward in strong positive ways – and everything will start falling in place.
We’ve given Nanaimo an opportunity with our votes, and it’s an opportunity that we need to help encourage and grow. What will it look like after 4 years? I believe it will look much better, especially if we can all work together.
Congratulations to Leonard Krog, Sheryl Armstrong, Don Bonner, Tyler Brown, Ben Geselbracht, Erin Hemmens, Zeni Maartman, Ian Thorpe, and Jim Turley – and to you and all the other council and school board candidates that I have connected with along the way – I’ve enjoyed that, and I look forward to the opportunities I’m sure many of us will have to work together further.
Four years is going to go by fast. Don’t be surprised to see me in 2022 asking for your vote.
Thanks again Nanaimo, you help inspire me!
Peter Urquhart
Nanaimo has a special place in my heart, I’ve lived here for 30 years and absolutely love it. I am running for Council because I want to help Nanaimo become a better place for everyone and I have the right skills to do so.
My campaign is about helping move things forward in ways that benefit the entire city. Making significant progress on how the city functions and operates through effective governance. Innovation and growth that connects the city with the community and business in meaningful, mutually beneficial ways. Increasing affordability and making the city easier to access in our everyday living.
I think you will understand as you read more about me and in my platform why I have chosen “Business Minded. Community Focused.” as my slogan. It’s what speaks to me, it’s what I believe in, and it’s at the foundation of who I am.
I see business and the community as being interconnected and dependent on each other – you cannot have one without the other. The quality of life in a community can’t be sustained without business and business can’t be successful without the support of the community and as such, both have large impacts on each other.
Come check out my platform, and if you have any questions or you would just like to have a conversation please feel welcome to reach out to me by phone, email, or on facebook.
Peter Urquhart
Phone: (250) 714-9869
Email: peter@peterurquhart.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VotePeterUrquhart